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Elana is available for

in-person school visits in the DC-Maryland-Virginia area. 

Out of town? Sign up for her virtual school visit program! 

Author Visit Offerings:

Writing Jewish Books: Judaism and Identity in Children's Literature 

In this interactive presentation, my goal is to inspire the next generation of Jewish authors to write and publish their stories. First I will share my journey to become a children's author and the role Judaism plays in my creative life. We will address why it's important for Jewish children to see themselves reflected positively in contemporary literature. Then I will share with you my process to turn an idea into a real book. Where do my ideas come from? How do I revise my stories? Who illustrates the book... and MORE!

The 'Super-Nose Effect': Writing & Creativity Workshop

What makes a story shine? Unique characters, of course. The main character of my books, Saralee Siegel, lives in a restaurant and celebrates the Jewish holidays with her family and friends. But Saralee isn't an ordinary girl. She has an unusual ability- a SUPER-NOSE! In this session, I will share with you my journey to bring Saralee to life. Then it will be time for you to create your own character with a unique super-power or ability. Maybe your character can shoot lava out of their hands? Maybe they can turn into a sparkly unicorn? No matter what your character can do, we’ll definitely put our brains to the test and have lots of fun!




"Elana visited virtually with our 3rd and 4th graders. Her well-paced presentation was lively and informative and included her inspiration to be a writer as a child, how her strong Judaic identity became a driving force in her writing, and the process for creating and publishing a book. Our students were completely engaged in Elana's personal and professional story and there were many opportunities for them to participate in the program and become inspired with their own ideas. Elana has a warm and delightful disposition and I would highly recommend her author presentations to any elementary school."

— Martha McMahon

Sinai Akiba Academy

Sign Up for a Virtual Visit

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Elana Rubinstein

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